Commerical hanger in association with professional developers and designers.
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Marco de hek

Vinyl wallpaper can now be printed with any chosen theme, scene, photo or graphic. Timber veneers are paper thin with reconstituted timbers thru to high end burl walnut.

My name is Marco de Hek and I am the director of Marco The Hangman. At 47 years of age I have been hanging wallpaper since I was trained by my father at 15. The world of wallpaper, fabrics and timber veneers have become a architects dream.

Our company specializes in commercial installations from large to intricate installs.

Our LATeST Projects

Please click on one of our projects and enjoy our photos. 

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My name is Marco de Hek and I am the director of Marco The Hangman. We specialize in commercial wallpaper. From desinger prints to woodwall we have you covered. Welcome to our world.


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